Monday, March 7, 2011

Monday, March 7, 2011

· We discussed the short story answers for "A Bolt of White Cloth", by Leon Rooke (marked them)
· You are also to read the short story “The Shining Houses” (in Viewpoints 12; take it out from the library if you weren't here today).
· Answer the questions for “The Painted Door” by Sinclair Ross (I have pasted them below)
These are due for tomorrow.

“The Painted Door” Questions

1. What are two types of conflict present in this story? Explain and give examples of where it is seen or where it shifts.

2. Describe John's character. Support your assertions with evidence from the story.

3. Is John a flat/static character or dynamic? Explain.

4. Describe Ann’s character. Support your assertions with evidence from the story.

5. Is Anne a flat/static character or dynamic? Explain.

6. Who is the main character in this story? How do you know?

7. What is the main character’s conflict?

8. Describe the setting of the story.

9. How is the setting important to the overall story?

10. Sometimes to create mood and atmosphere a writer will use repetition. How has Sinclair Ross used this device?

11. What is the theme of this short story (like a thesis, guys)?

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