Thursday, March 10, 2011

Friday, March 10, 2011

Today, we discussed conformity. We then discussed the short story "The Shining Houses" by Alice Munro. I showed some images of urban sprawl and conformity and played the song "Little Boxes" for emphasis. I then handed out the questions for "The Shining Houses". I made a couple of changes to them so use the ones posted here.

Short Story: “Shining Houses”
By Alice Munro

INSTRUCTIONS: READ the short story: “Shining Houses”, then answer the following questions. There is already an extra point included for complete answers in the values (ie: value: 2 means one for the answer and one for a complete answer)

Describe Mrs. Fullerton (create a character sketch which contains history, current state, physical make-up, and words that describe her with evidence to support it)
Describe Mary (create a character sketch contains history, current state, physical make-up, and words that describe her with evidence to support it)
What is the main conflict in this story? Explain.
What other conflicts appear (name the types and the details)
Who is the protagonist? Explain who you know this.
Defend the position of the homeowners at the birthday party (their views)
Explain how the views of Mary differ (some implication is necessary here….brainstorm)
Brainstorm and come up with three possible outcomes for this situation (what will follow- how will the issue being addressed eventually resolve itself).
Why did the author pick this title?
11. Create a short story critique for “The Shining Houses.”

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