Monday, March 14, 2011

Inside Stories III - Second Edition
"Horses of the Night: - pp. 282 - 303
Margaret Laurence
(Short Story)
Background Information
The western provinces of Canada were severely affected by the economic Depression of the 1930s.
In particular, farmers, young people, small businessmen and the unemployed bore the brunt of
economic hardship. Local governments refused to aid single, homeless men although the federal
government established unemployment relief camps, paying men 20 cents a day for construction work
in the bush.
The title of this story comes from a line in Elegy XIII of Amores (The Loves), (not The Art of Love
as suggested on page 301 of this anthology) the first work by the Roman poet Ovid. In this elegy,
the speaker appeals to the goddess Eos (Dawn) to delay her arrival on behalf of all people who do
not wish the day to begin and especially on behalf of lovers who wish to spend more time in each
other' s arms.
1. Who is the narrator of the story? How old is she when Chris comes to visit? Where does the
narrator live and from where does Chris come?
2. Where does Chris stay while he is going to high school?
3. How does Vanessa feel when she hears her grandfather criticizing Chris's father? How does Chris
respond to these comments?
4. Since Vanessa is nine years younger than Chris, she is charmed by the fact that Chris talks to her
as an equal. What term or label does Vanessa give Chris?
5. When Chris babysits Vanessa, what does he do to amuse her and himself rather than doing
homework? What do his actions reveal about him?

6. Describe briefly Chris's home as he pictures it for Vanessa.
7. What does Chris hope to become?
8. During what period of time does the story take place? What are the effects of this era?
9. What are the name of Vanessa's parents?
10. Why is Chris unable to go to college in Winnipeg?
11. In the middle of page 289, what does Vanessa hope to do someday soon with respect to Chris?
12. As Chris packs his clothes, what does he imply he would like to be?
13. What does Chris believe to be the key to any dream or goal?
14. Instead of returning home to Shallow Creek after he graduates from high school, what does Chris
15. What major changes have occurred in Vanessa's life since Chris left Manawaka?

16. How old is Vanessa when Chris returns to Manawaka in two years, and in what sense has he
succeeded in one of his goals?
17. How confident is Vanessa that Chris will earn enough money to pay his way through college?
18. What other strategies to make money does Chris attempt?
19. What further devastating loss does Vanessa suffer?
20. How old is Vanessa when she visits Chris and why does she make this visit?
21. When Vanessa arrives at Shallow Creek, what disappoints her?
22. How do the members of Chris's family treat each other?
23. Does the lake match Vanessa's image of it when she was young?
24. Why does Chris admire Vanessa's father?
25. Why does Chris hesitate to believe in God?

26. In Chris's thoughts about God and the war, the reader can see some examples of foreshadowing.
List two examples.
27. Despite his distrust of the opinion that a war would be "a godsend" (298), what partly appeals to
Chris about the war?
28. What happens to Chris as a result of his joining the Army and going to war?
29. How does Vanessa feel that she has failed Chris?
31. Why is it significant that Vanessa goes to college?
32. What does Vanessa understand now about Chris's "unreal solutions" (300)?

33. In his letter to Vanessa, Chris writes that he no longer lives in his body. Why does he make this
choice or make this comment?
34. The last line of the story can be read symbolically. Offer an interpretation of the line in reference to Vanessa.

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